by 3amideas | Aug 29, 2022
BHP IRON ORE CASE STUDY 3 30 MW POWER STATION AT 33 KV UON > Projects BACKGROUND UON were tasked with delivering a 30MW Power Station and electrical distribution power at 33kV. The Power Station was required to sustain operations during the relocation of a 132kV...
by 3amideas | Aug 29, 2022
BHP IRON ORE CASE STUDY 2 Water Management Infrastructure UON > Projects BACKGROUND UON was engaged by BHP to supply, install and commission major dewatering infrastructure and transfer system for the new mining area. Team Members Pieces of equipment Hours worked...
by 3amideas | Aug 29, 2022
RIO TINTO IRON ORE CASE STUDY 1 MAJOR WATER Infrastructure UON > Projects BACKGROUND UON were engaged by Rio Tinto as the head contractor for the design, supply and construction works as detailed below. This extensive dewatering project has contributed greatly to...
by 3amideas | Aug 29, 2022
RIO TINTO IRON ORE CASE STUDY 2 MAJOR WATER Infrastructure UON > Projects BACKGROUND UON were tasked by Rio Tinto to design, supply, install and commission bore pumps, generators, telemetry and associated equipment. Team Members Pieces of equipment Hours worked...
by 3amideas | Dec 7, 2021
BHP IRON ORE CASE STUDY 1 Water Management Infrastructure UON > Projects BACKGROUND UON was engaged as the head contractor to Design, Supply, Install and Commission thirteen downhole bore packages, Generator & Headworks Trailers, Fuel Tanks and associated...