Load Banks
Load Banks
Principally based on resistive elements, a load bank can be designed to simulate almost any circuit loading or operating regime, dissipating electrical energy safely in the form of heat from these passive components.
Using suitable switching and controls, loading can be progressively increased or reduced with a combination of both resistive and reactive loading if required.
UON load bank systems are mechanically rugged and electrically forgiving, able to withstand high transients and overloads and operate safely and reliably under the most severe conditions and harsh environments.
As well as our standard range of portable load banks (Ranging from 100kW to 6.25MW), UON also manufactures custom designed loads for high voltage and high current test applications.
These cover load ratings of up to 10MW and voltage ratings up to 11 kV and can be either convection or force cooled.
Typical applications include testing large diesel gen-sets, diesel electric traction drives, large battery power systems and shipboard generating plant.